Midnight Reverie is a new series of works by highly celebrated Los Angeles-based artist Audrey Kawasaki. Kawasaki always likes to portray subtle yet intriguing feminine characters in her paintings. But for the first time in this exhibit at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery, she featured flat, graphic shapes, painted in layers of solid black acrylic within her surreal female subject matters. I've always wondered where Audrey gets her imagination from for each of her paintings, each one is always different. The exhibit ends this Saturday October 6th.
The black parts represent a void, emptiness or the unknown | October 4, 2012
Oct 4, 2012
Midnight Reverie is a new series of works by highly celebrated Los Angeles-based artist Audrey Kawasaki. Kawasaki always likes to portray subtle yet intriguing feminine characters in her paintings. But for the first time in this exhibit at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery, she featured flat, graphic shapes, painted in layers of solid black acrylic within her surreal female subject matters. I've always wondered where Audrey gets her imagination from for each of her paintings, each one is always different. The exhibit ends this Saturday October 6th.